SleepNet / BreatheNet

SleepNet-BreatheNet and ResMed form a joint fellowship

SleepNet BreatheNet and ResMed form a joint fellowship to sponsor the MASTER’S OF NURSING IN CHILD NURSING (CLINICAL) DEGREE hosted by the UCT Post Graduate Centre in Cape Town.

Congratulations Sr. Nonhlanlha Mtolo the 2016 – 2018 candidate.


Featured in the picture from left: Mrs Louise Smit (National Administration Manager SleepNet-BreatheNet), Sr. Jane Booth (Head of Breatheasy Program for Ventilation and Trache patients), Sr. Nonhlanhla Mtolo, Patricia Gerth van Wijk (National Sales Manager SleepNet-BreatheNet, Assoc Prof Minette Coetzee (Head of Masters Program)

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