SleepNet / BreatheNet

Technology-Dependent Children Can Live Safely at Home

Home Ventilation Program

Despite challenges, technology-dependent children tend to thrive in the home environment

Technological and scientific advances over the past two decades have increased the survival rate of chronically ill children. However, this had resulted in a dependency on technology and home care for their continued survival.

The primary burden of care for technology-dependent children is provided by their mothers. The entire family experience the brunt of the demanding regimens related to the at-home care for a child who is technology dependent.

Caring for these children is a formidable task, especially given the limited supports that are currently available in South Africa. Supports such as preventive, pre-discharge and ongoing mental health screening and treatment (particularly for the mother), respite care in the form of adequately trained nurses or carers and assurance of continued financial assistance from private (Medical Aid) or public (State Hospitals) funding of the essential equipment needed to safely support these patients in the home environment.

Despite these many challenges, once in the home environment, these technology dependent children tend to thrive. They have vastly improved quality of life as compared to “life in the ICU”.

Home Ventilation Program

SleepNet-BreatheNet has been running a successful Home Ventilation Program for the past six years. The program facilitates the safe transfer of technology dependent patients from the ICU to the home environment by providing state-of-the-art equipment that is robust, reliable and user-friendly. From the time of patient referral to the final discharge home, SleepNet-BreatheNet assists with the coordination of the various role players to ensure a seamless transition and a comprehensive transfer of skills to the home carers and family members.

Once settled in the home environment SleepNet-BreatheNet’s Home Ventilation Team are on call 24/7 to ensure total peace of mind.

Contact SleepNet / BreathNet for more information on the SleepNet-BreatheNet Home Ventilation Program.

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